Tai Chi is an internal martial art containing much inner strength. Like flowing water running in a river. Beneath the tranquil surface there is a current with immense power for healing and wellness.
Qigong is called the Grandmother of Tai Chi. Qi - life energy, Gong - daily practice. Some movements that we practice are 5,000 years old. It is a system of training that improves general health, strength and well being. Some forms are 'soft' and develop inner strength, some forms are 'hard' and build a strong body and immune system. Yin / Yang.
The slow, relaxed, condensing and expanding movements of Tai Chi provide a total body exercise. As the muscles are allowed to relax, blood circulation can be improved. The gentle movements loosen up the spine, ribs and internal organs. By massaging the organs, you can loosen up tension around them and increase the blood circulation. The slow movements allow the body to move with less tension than high pace activities which require fast muscle contractions. The slow movements of Tai Chi allow the lungs to be more relaxed and to increase the intake of oxygen.